Monday, September 14, 2009

Eighth Assignment

For Friday Sept. 17th

Write a cinquain about today's scene from Iago's point-of-view. In other words, pretend you are Iago and write in his voice.

A cinquain is a little poem with five lines. The first line has two syllables, the second has 4, the third has 6, the fourth line has 8 syllables, and the last line has two syllables.

That's it for this week. I'll be checking your blogs again on Sunday night around 8 pm for another essay grade.


Fuggetaboutit said...

Iago's Lies
Iago is without a doubt a lier. He is leading everyone on. Othello is trustworthy of Iago and believes in everything he says. He cannot give Iago enough praise. Little does he know that Iago is going to stab him in the back. Iago said, after Roderigo had left, that he hated the Moor. One reason why he hates Othello is because he thinks his wife and Othello are having an affair. He is simply trying to use Othello to improve his position in the army. He has come up with a very thought out and sneaky plan. Cassio, who is a good looking man, can attract women very easily. Iago plans to persuade Othello into thinking that Cassio and Desdemona have an affair going on. Meanwhile, Roderigo is filling up his purse to lure Desdemona from Othello. I believe that Desdemona's and Othello's love for each other is greater than everyone thinks. Hopefully, Iago's plan doesn't work out. Only time will tell their fate. Mrs. Jacobs I hope it's okay that I wrote about Iago's lies and posted them on our blog.

Fuggetaboutit said...

Cinquain Poem
My plan
They are naive
Othello has no clue
The couple will be broken up
For sure